Tuesday 3 September 2019
The 50th Annual General Meeting of Cardiff Amateur Athletic Club (Cardiff Athletics) will be held in the clubroom on Thursday 28th November 2019 at 7.30pm.
1. Welcome
2. Apologies for absence
3. To approve the minutes of the 2018 AGM
4. To consider any matters arising from the 2018 minutes
5. Chair's report
6. To receive the report of the management committee
7. To approve the financial report and accounts
8. To announce the subscription rates for the ensuing year (rates are decided by the general committee
9. To elect members of the general committee
10. To appoint an auditor
11. Any other business
Any paid up member aged 18 or older may attend and vote and nominate another paid up member, to one of the following general committee positions (current holder in brackets). Nominations and notices must be in writing, signed by two members entitled to vote, and delivered to the administrator not later than 8th November 2019.
The President (Andrew Seary)
The Chair (Helen James)
The Treasurer (Michael Farrell)
The Chairman of the Track and Field committee (Andrew Seary)
The Cross Country and Road coordinator (Vacant)
The Coaching coordinator (Lorraine Mulvaney)
The Welfare and Safeguarding officer (Melonie Gregory)
The Official's coordinator (Rory McKerlich)
The Volunteer coordinator (Peter Gregson)
Two additional members
Issued (3rd October 2019)