Tuesday 8 August 2023

RE: UKAD Compliance Reminder Letter
Dear Club Chairperson / Club Secretary,
I hope you are enjoying the busy summer season of athletics and running, it’s always great to
see so much activity happening across Wales within our clubs. Thank you for your continued
efforts to support your members.
As mentioned previously, Welsh Athletics is working with UK Anti Doping to ensure that the
sport remains as open and safe for everyone to enjoy.
We need our Clubs to work with Welsh Athletics to ensure that everyone is aware of their
responsibility to adhere to the codes of practice of the sport.
We need to ensure that every athlete who joins a club understands that by joining the club,
they are adhering to the same codes of practice that each club meets as part of its affiliation
to Welsh Athletics.
We are therefore requesting that the following text is included in all club membership forms;
‘By becoming a member of the club, you are automatically agreeing to the codes of practice
as stated by Welsh Athletics – this relates to the codes of conduct, to the rules of UK Athletics
and to adhere to all anti-doping rules and regulations.
All members shall be deemed to have made him/herself/themselves familiar with and agreed
to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UKA Anti-Doping
in the application and enforcement of the Anti Doping rules.
The UKA Anti-Doping rules apply to all members participating in Athletics for a minimum of 12
months from the commencement of membership, whether or not the member of a citizen of,
or resident in, the UK.’
Clubs Portal
The various codes of practice are available on the members portal. All clubs should encourage
their athletes to log into their own individual page and to sign up to the terms and conditions
of their affiliation directly.
Members can access their page via the following link - Log in - Athletics Portal
(welshathletics.org) and following the ‘Codes of Conduct’ tab on the menu option.
Further information relating to Anti-Doping rules and regulations can be found here


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Cardiff International Sports Stadium, Cardiff CF11 8AZI07910 764871